If You listen to the rhetoric from the US Republican party, you’d believe they’re all about the US Constitution, free market economies and getting the government out of business.
Over the past month, they’ve shattered that in the most concrete way possible.
A few weeks a little paper was published by the Republican Study Committee Caucus on November 17th. It wasn’t a particularly long briefing document, but the 9 pages showed three long-standing myths used to prop up legislation and debunked them.
It seemed too good to be true, and indeed it was.
24 hours after publication a note went out from the director of the RSC saying that the briefing was published without adequate review. What review did it fail to get? Simply put, while it was factually and legally accurate and true, it didn’t have the lobbyist stamp of approval.
Now, as the K-street muscle is flexed, the author of that brief has lost his job; and all because Derek Khanna dared to hold Republicans to their claimed ethics, rather than their re-election funds. Why is it significant? Because there was due to be a staffing change next month as the new Congress is sworn in.
According to the Washington Examiner, one of the RSC members, Rep Marsha Blackburn was strongly opposed to it, it notes, citing two RSC members. Blackburn’s district covers the suburbs of Nashville, and Memphis; the home of country music. As such she was the largest republican recipient of funds from the music industry in last month’s election.
With this latest action, Republicans have just sealed their reputation as being only focused on the rich, while ignoring the Constitution and sticking two-fingers up to the general populace.
We wish Derek Khanna a Merry Christmas, and hope that at least has the comfort of knowing that the members of the RSC have shown themselves to be both Corrupt and Anti-American. While it’s scant comfort, we’re also sure his integrity will be recognised and rewarded, rather than punished, and soon.
Meanwhile, feel free to read the Brief again, as it’s certainly not going anywhere.