New Anti-Piracy Service Drives Itself Deep Undergound

News of a fresh anti-piracy startup has hit the press again over the past few days which claims, as so many do these days, to crawl the Internet looking for pirate music with the plan of having it removed.

The Australian-based service, known as TuneSecure, can apparently track sharing on P2P networks and hosting services. There’s an article about the product on

“(We want) to suppress music piracy to the point where general mums and dads find it much more difficult to get pirated music,” said James Erwin, technical director of TuneSecure.

“At the moment it’s more of a convenience thing for the end user. They find an artist or title they like and put it into Google and usually in the top 10 results there’s a website allowing you to download it illegally.”

It’s true, Google is an amazing tool for finding such material but for those looking to do a little more research on TuneSecure, the search giant proves pretty useless.

If TuneSecure has a web presence, I can’t find it. If someone knows where to find it, please post in the comments. Maybe they accidentally unleashed their product on their own website? If so, TuneSecure could be a winner – I gave up searching for it after page 7 of the search results.


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