Desert Bus: We have a Winner

Last week we had a story on the long-lost Penn and Teller videogame Desert Bus. The goal of the game is to drive a Bus through the desert from Tucson, Arizona to Las Vegas in real-time, without scenery, while the bus slightly veers to the right.

It seems that a lot of people downloaded the torrent, but until today only one person completed the trip (responded). Matt commented in the original post and emailed the screenshot.

matt desert bus

So Matt is the official winner and is rewarded with 25$.

I asked him about the experience and he commented:

The experience was well…boring. A quadruple shot of espresso and loud music helped keep me awake. When you get to 5 hours a bug hits the screen which leaves a green splat so by the end it becomes “keeping the green splat from hitting the area to the right side of the road.”

Respect Matt, respect…


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