Steal This Show S01E13: Save P2P, Save The Internet!

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Today we bring you the next episode of the Steal This Show podcast, discussing the latest file-sharing and copyright news. In this episode we discuss how proposed legislation threatens unrestricted VPN and BitTorrent use.

stslogoIn this emergency episode of STEAL THIS SHOW, Thomas Lohninger of Save The Internet and Holmes Wilson of Fight For The Future explain how practices like traffic management, zero rating and specialised services threaten P2P, VPNs and, more generally, our access to a free and open internet.

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Steal This Show aims to release bi-weekly episodes featuring insiders discussing copyright and file-sharing news. It complements our regular reporting by adding more room for opinion, commentary and analysis.

The guests for our news discussions will vary and we’ll aim to introduce voices from different backgrounds and persuasions. In addition to news, STS will also produce features interviewing some of the great innovators and minds.

Host: Jamie King

Guests: Thomas Lohninger and Holmes Wilson

Produced by Jamie King
Edited & Mixed by Riley Byrne
Original Music by David Triana
Web Production by Siraje Amarniss


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