Trying to keep up with the latest developments from Anonymous is proving a little tricky this month.
Since the beginning of the year the group has been releasing videos to spread news and details of forthcoming operations. Many, if not all, Anonymous videos have been uploaded to YouTube but since the start of April the Google-owned site has been censoring them.
The last three – Operation Sony – April 4, 2011, Operation Sony Update – April 12, 2011 and Operation Black Out – April 18, 2011 – have all been removed on Terms of Service violations.

The one we were most interested in was the latter, which contained information on a planned protest against the New Zealand government. They passed a 3 strikes-style law to deal with online file-sharing last week which hasn’t impressed Anonymous.
According to information received by TorrentFreak, Anonymous still have some heavy punishment for Sony up their collective sleeves. The anonymous (that’s a small ‘a’) tip suggests that a DDoS is coming, but one with a new technical twist, not previously utilized by the group.