Azureus Adds Featured Content

Azureus added a searchable database of featured content to their website. This new feature is likely to be a part of the shift towards implementing a (commercial) content layer.

azureus contentThe featured content page includes several types of free and legal media, ranging from the latest Rocketboom episodes to Rob Costlow’s discography. Unfortunately, the featured content is only available for Azureus users. Personally I hate to see Azureus alienating from the .torrent file format, but it probably fits their future plans better.

update: Azureus included (manual) .torrent download links for non-Azureus users now.

This is yet another step towards Azureus version 3.0, which will include commercial content. This probably means that Azureus users can buy (drm supported) media through Azureus. These new developments are in part funded by BV Capital, a company that previously supported projects like and peerflix.


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