BitTorrent Zeitgeist: What People Search for in 2014

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Popular torrent sites get millions of visitors every day, but what have all of those people been searching for? Today we present the BitTorrent Zeitgeist 2014, a list of the top 50 most searched for phrases and keywords on one of the most-used public BitTorrent indexes during the past year.

2014During December, all self-respecting search engines produce an overview of the most popular search terms of the past year.

These lists give insight into recent trends, and in 2014 Robin Williams, World Cup and Ebola were the top trending searches on Google.

But what about torrent search engines? With billions of searches every year it’s worth taking a look at the most-entered keywords on the dominant file-sharing network.

A few years ago we started the BitTorrent zeitgeist tradition with help from one of the largest torrent sites around. Based on a sample of hundreds of millions of searches, this list should give a decent overview of what people are looking for.

2014’s number one query is the same as last year’s. YIFY is the name of a popular movie release group that many people follow to see what new pirated titles are available.

The term 2014, often used to find recent movies, comes in second place, followed by 1080p in third. Last year “1080p” was in 42nd place suggesting that people were increasingly looking for high definition video. The sixth and eight place for newcomers YIFY 720p and YIFY 1080p confirm this trend.

In fourth place we find NeZu, another popular movie release group that is listed in the top 50 for the first time this year.

The first content related search query is Guardians of The Galaxy in ninth place. Other popular movie searches are Lucy and Dawn of The Planet of The Apes taking the 23rd and 24th spots respectively.

TV content is also popular with Game of Thrones in 12th and The Walking Dead in 16th place. Perhaps surprisingly, there are no searches related to music titles in the top 50. The only music related term is Discography in 11th place.

Finally, a game release group made it into the top 50 this year. The query Nosteam, referring to the ^^nosTEAM^^ group, is one of the highest newcomers and is listed in 15th place.

Below is the full list of the 50 most-entered search queries on one of the most popular torrent sites on the Internet.

1. yify
2. 2014
3. 1080p
4. nezu
5. hindi
6. yify 720p
7. french
8. yify 1080p
9. guardians of the galaxy
10. 3d
11. discography
12. game of thrones
13. movies
14. tamil
15. nosteam
16. the walking dead
17. ita
18. dvdrip
19. telugu
20. android
21. malayalam
22. hindi 2014
23. lucy
24. dawn of the planet of the apes
25. nl
26. apk
27. ps3
28. lynda
29. 720p
30. 2013
31. need for speed
32. arrow
33. +18
34. batman
35. hercules
36. x art
37. pc games
38. how to train your dragon 2
39. 22 jump street
40. divergent
41. teenage mutant ninja turtles
42. edge of tomorrow
43. The fault in our stars
44. godzilla
45. mac
46. wwe
47. the equalizer
48. walking dead
49. maleficent
50. the flash


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