Björk Wants Pirates To Crack And Convert Apple Apps

Bjork’s latest album Biophilia is only available in software form exclusively for Apple devices. But she believes that with the help of pirates, that situation might soon change.

“I’m not supposed to say this, probably,” she told Drowned in Sound, “but I’m trusting that the pirates out there won’t tie their hands behind their back.”

What that means is that Bjork hopes pirates will do the conversion work and make the Biophilia multi-media project operational on other platforms.

“That’s why we really made sure when we wrote all the programs that they will transfer to other systems,” she added.

TorrentFreak spoke with Dissident, the admin of leading pirate Apple apps directory Apptrackr, to get his take on the news.

“The app may end up on our website where it’ll get further attention,” he told us.

“I usually get people messaging me (app developers) thanking us for making Apptrackr and stuff like that. It clearly gives people’s apps more attention than if pirates were not spreading it which implies if you allow your content to be free, more people will be able to hear it and enjoy it (and consider purchasing it)”

Dissident feels that pirates may not be that enthusiastic about converting, say, Apple apps across to Android, but there are some ingenious people out there who rarely fail to surprise so let’s see what they come up with.


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