Facebook Shuts Down ExtraTorrent’s Official Page

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Facebook has removed the official page of ExtraTorrent after complaints from copyright holders. With more than 350,000 fans ExtraTorrent had one of the largest fan pages of all torrent sites on the social network. But despite the setback, ExtraTorrent's operator are not giving up on Facebook just yet.

etfacebookWith regular competitions and frequent status updates ExtraTorrent has a very active community on Facebook.

Or had, we should say.

After sailing clear for nearly three years, Facebook decided to pull the plug on the site this morning citing a third-party copyright complaint.

“We have removed or disabled access to the following content that you have posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third-party that the content infringes their copyright(s),” Facebook wrote.

According to Facebook the ExtraTorrent page was considered to be a repeat copyright infringer, but the staff of the torrent site refutes this characterization.

ExtraTorrent’s staff tells TF that they were careful not to link directly to infringing content after Facebook warned them two years ago. However, Google cache does show occasional links to pages that list pirated movies.

Facebook’s takedown message

The last notice ExtraTorrent received from Facebook came in yesterday. This takedown notice complained about a post from two years ago which linked to a torrent of the film Elysium.

“This post was published in 2013. It’s very curious. Looks like Facebook removed the ExtraTorrent Page because of a post from 2013,” ET’s staff tells us.

This is not the first time that ExtraTorrent has been kicked from Facebook. The same happened three years ago when the site’s official page had roughly 140,000 fans.

Despite the new setback, the torrent site is not giving up on Facebook just yet. They quickly launched a new page which quickly gathered thousands of followers, and many more are sure to follow.

Extratorrent’s new Facebook page


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