Fifteen years ago, the web was a breeding ground for new services and sites.
An ambitious streaming site called YouTube launched early 2005, Google Maps followed soon after, as did Reddit, Etsy, and WordPress.
The latter promoted itself as easy-to-use blogging software that, for its part, facilitated the creation of tens of thousands of new sites. Today, many of the early WordPress-based sites have long gone but some have survived.
TorrentFreak was one of those early WordPress adopters. Late 2005, it started as a small weblog sharing news and information about file-sharing and torrents, which were still relatively unknown at the time.
Today, 15 years later, we still write about BitTorrent but the site has evolved. We now cover file-sharing, piracy and copyright issues from several angles. Our goal remains the same, however, to highlight news and details that are overlooked in other media.
Every week we trawl through thousands of webpages, RSS feeds, court dockets, and policy filings, to share our findings with the world. And while we operate in a small niche, there are constantly new developments.
Our news reporting is always rooted in facts. While the choice of topics may in part be driven by personal interests, we don’t take sides. That said, we don’t hesitate to highlight bias when we see it, no matter which ‘side’ it comes from.
As for the future, we plan to keep going down the same road, wherever that may lead. Thanks to everyone who helped us out over the past 15 years, and to everyone who reads what we have to write.