Hindustan Times Promotes “Piracy”

One of India’s leading newspapers “The Hindustan Times” published an article on BitTorrent. They point their readers to the top-torrent-sites, and list some of the top torrents.

Not long ago the BBC said that BitTorrent aids terrorists and pedophiles, but the Hindustan Times obviously doesn’t agree. BitTorrent gives you freedom! A quote from the article:

If you have a BitTorrent client installed on your PC, you basically know what this is about. And if you dont have a client, then it’s time to be zapped. Bit torrent gives you freedom. You no longer pay for the music, movies, TV Series, books, software and games that you download. Interested? Just Google “Bit Torrent” and figure it out. Once you got it, here’s what you should download…

Don’t believe it? Check out this scanned version of the article.

pirate times

At this moment India already has a higher percentage of BitTorrent users than the US and the UK, and this article might give it a little boost.

The Hindustan Times (via)


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