Mininova Launches New Site Design

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One of most popular BitTorrent sites, mininova just got a complete overhaul. They've launched a new site design, and relocated to a new host and datacenter.

The site had become so popular that it became unbearably slow to navigate. People can now stop complaining. If you visit the site, you’ll notice it’s now blazing fast, amazingly so.

Mininova has been beta testing a previous version of this design for a almost a year now, so it’s nice to finally see it go live.

In October, we reported that the beta version of the redesign wasn’t fully functional. In particular, the advanced search seemed to be having some problems. This has since been fixed. Apparently, the entire search backend of the site has been rewritten, and now searches will be better and faster.

According to the mininova blog, with the new version, some extra functionality has been added, and existing features have been made easier to use. A “Jump to Category” option now lets you jump directly to different sections of the site.

Mininova founder Niek told us that there could still be some small problems, such as 500 errors, but these will be straightened out as soon as possible. They will add some extra memory modules this Saturday, and the site should be running smoothly by then.

We think that the new layout is a lot easier to understand and navigate, but some say it lacks the sleekness of the previous design. What is your opinion of the new design? Is it better than the previous one?

mininova redesign

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