Mongo56 just died.

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BitTorrent's biggest tracker just went offline. The fun was over, there was no money left and the DDos attacks didn't help either.

English_Man states:

As of December 1st 2005 will no-longer exist. I am sorry about this, but after over a month of battling flood attacks and the like it’s time to kill the tracker.

The flood play a large part in my decision, but they are by far not the only reason.The number of donations are not covering the server costs, (€35 last month), and I really can’t afford to keep supporting the site, there are also many other reasons NONE of which have anything to do with legal threats etc.

During our time in the BitTorrent community, we have really made a differences and a huge impression. We have worked directly with admin and developers from all aspects of the community, for instance we became the first XBNBT based tracker to run with over 100,000 peers, we broke the XBTT record with over 763,000 peers.

But it’s time to say goodbye and thank you to everyone who ever graced us with your .torrents. I have had a wonderful time running the site and have loved every minute of it, but now it’s just not fun anymore and it should be.


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