The Poker Bay: BitTorrent Tracker for Poker Addicts

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BitTorrent is hot, Poker is hot, so a combination of both should be a guaranteed success.

pokerbay bittorrent pokerThe Poker Bay is a private BitTorrent tracker dedicated to the popular card game. The name probably gave that away already. The Poker Bay was launched in May 2006, and currently has over 30,000 registered users. The site is open for registration, so anyone can join. The admin plans to keep registration open as long as the server can handle the load.

Although The Poker Bay is a private site, they are not as obsessed about ratios as other private trackers are. The site currently has no rules regarding to ratios and would like to keep it that way, if possible.

“The whole idea is to spread poker to the masses and my thoughts on ratio is that it shouldn’t be so tough to keep your account at The Poker Bay“, said Slim, founder of The Poker Bay. “Some sites are really hardcore and a lot of people with bad connections and so on can’t keep up and get kicked out. I believe that we need to realize that a lot of countries still don’t have the as good internet resources than others.”

Sounds like a healthy view, which I tend to agree with. Take a look for yourself if you’re interested in poker torrents.


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