Transmission App Banned By Apple and Cydia, Moves to TheBigBoss Repository

Earlier this year iControlbits became the first and only native iPhone app for the Transmission BitTorrent client.

It had escaped the prying eye of Apple’s anti-torrent police and was placed in the official App store. But the fun didn’t last long.

A few hours after TorrentFreak made the news public the App was pulled from the App store.

Apple’s decision was a huge disappointment to iControlbits developer Luka Hlastec, who had no other option than to to find a new platform for his App.

His first shot was the Cydia store.

At first it seemed as this was a good move, the App was approved by Cydia a few weeks ago. But then things changed.

Much like Apple Cydia decided to ban the App from its store as well, because it promoted infringing uses.

“I had already decided we are not accepting apps like this a while ago, as the legal use case for it is incredibly small, and under US law that is a serious problem,” Cydia’s Saurik told the developer.

So the search for a platform went on, and last week the App finally found a home where it was allowed to stay, TheBigBoss repository. The end of a long and troublesome journey.

IControlbits 2.1 can be downloaded for free here.


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