A Million DMCAs in a Week, But BPI Still Wants Google to Do More

As music industry bodies battle the unrelenting unauthorized availability of their content online, DMCA notices are being sent in ever-increasing volumes.

In the UK the BPI sends huge numbers of these takedown requests to Google pretty much every day and in the process have just reached another milestone.

According to MusicWeek, in March the BPI asked the world’s biggest search engine to remove a more than a million links to unauthorized content in a single week, the first organization to do so.

Google’s own records, however, state that a better result was already achieved back in February when the BPI requested the takedown of 1,051,436 URLs. Nevertheless, these are still huge numbers of notices for both the BPI to send and Google to process.

Despite the effort, the former still thinks the latter can do better.

“We welcome Google’s cooperation in removing bad links, but we want them to go further and demote sites that run businesses built on illegal mp3s,” said BPI chief executive Geoff Taylor.


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