Comcast Hacked in BitTorrent Throttling Payback?

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It has become apparent during the last few hours that Comcast, everyone's favorite ISP (especially in the BitTorrent world) has been hacked. The message on the homepage read: "KRYOGENIKS EBK and DEFIANT RoXed COMCAST."

When you’re as large as Comcast, you can’t please all of the people, all of the time. Although it has done so in other ways too, Comcast managed to annoy a large portion of its customer base with its throttling activities, not to mention its misleading statements and ‘smokescreen’ attitude when it was discovered to be squirming away from the truth. Maybe it’s this that motivated a group of individuals to make the next move?

This morning many people will be celebrating as reports circulate that in the last few hours Comcast has been the subject of a hacking which defaced its homepage (mirror here).

Comcast Hacked

The hackers appear to have changed the Comcast DNS/WHOIS records which were pointing at a non-Comcast address. Although back to normal now, for a while the records displayed this data:

Administrative Contact:
Domain Registrations, Comcast [email protected]
Defiant still raping 2k8 ebk
69 dick tard lane
dildo room
4206661870 fax: 6664200187

Technical Contact:
Comcast Corporation [email protected]
1500 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
215-320-8774 fax: 215-564-0132

Record expires on 24-Sep-2008.
Record created on 25-Sep-1997.
Database last updated on 28-May-2008 23:48:08 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:


A Comcast employee said: “The servers are fine and are reachable if the DNS server you are using is pointing to the correct place. As far as we can tell, the hack was a one shot deal, not an ongoing event.”

There are reports that concerned users telephoning to inform Comcast were summarily disconnected, with a level of panic centered round the security of the Comcast email system with reports that the hackers were picking off Comcast user’s usernames and passwords. As yet, this is unconfirmed.

Others claim they were treated politely by Comcast and told to use a temporary site in the meantime, located at The Comcast forums also went down and then started diverting to

There are rumors circulating that the group responsible for the hack previously targeted Justin Timberlake and Hilary Duff.

More on this story as we get it.


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