Demonoid Returns After Two Months Downtime

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After nearly two months of downtime, the semi-private BitTorrent tracker Demonoid resurfaced online this weekend. The site was pulled offline due to hosting problems and had to endure some internal struggles as well, but barring a few bugs, it's now back in action.

demonoid-logoWe’ve written the phrase “Demonoid is Back” quite a few times already on TorrentFreak.

The site has established a reputation as the “comeback kid” due to its ‘habit’ of going offline for weeks or even months, and then reappearing in its full glory as if nothing ever happened.

Over the past several weeks, the site has been offline once again. Late January the site went down due to hosting and some internal problems and was forced to remain offline longer than expected.

According to Deimos, the site’s founder, there was some disagreement with the person who handled most of the technical aspects of the tracker. After both sides failed to reach an agreement, he saw no other option than to take control again.

“I gave control to the wrong guys while the problems started, but it’s time to control stuff again,” Deimos told us earlier.

This weekend the site came back online and it’s currently accessible through as well as the domain name. The site is running on new hardware, and there may still be a few bugs, but otherwise it’s fully operational.

TorrentFreak reached out to Deimos this weekend, who informed us that the site was restored from a recent database backup. So, everyone should be able to access his or her old account as usual.

In an update posted on the site, Demonoid’s operator is also surprisingly open about what happened, mentioning the aforementioned internal problems and personal issues as a reason for the prolonged downtime.

“After some long downtime caused mainly due to some problems with some of the people we made the mistake of trusting, and some personal problems regarding the health of a family member that drained the time and money destined to move the site elsewhere, we are finally back with you,” the update reads.

Now that the site is back, it’s clear that one of the oldest BitTorrent communities will live on. But who would have expected anything different from the comeback kid?

Demonoid is back


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