Discover and Download Free Music Albums with The Spiral

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Jamendo just added a great new feature to their site that makes it easier to discover new music from their collection of over 2500 free music albums. It's like a remix of the Digg Swarm and Pandora, incuding free BitTorrent downloads.

The Spiral is an easy way to browse through the ever growing collection of free albums on Jamendo. You can listen to the albums by clicking on the cover image, and download the ones you like instantly. You have the option to star albums you like, hide the ones that you don’t want to hear again, and skip all albums you want to check out later. When you are logged in, it will also remember your personal taste, and will recommend albums accordingly.

All albums are Creative Commons licensed, and available in MP3 (~200Kbps) and Ogg Vorbis (300Kbps) format. They can be downloaded with your favorite BitTorrent client and Emule.

Jamendo has more great features. You can share albums you like on your blog, write a review, or make a donation to support your favorite artist. Some artists already promised to include a list of supporters in the booklet of their forthcoming albums. Both artists and music fans will profit from this model. Everybody wins, except for the big record companies of course.

jamendo spiral


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