Little over a week ago the magnet torrent search engine MagnetDL suddenly closed its doors, without prior warning.
Instead of the regular search box which served as a gateway to millions of downloads, users were welcomed by the following message.
“MagnetDL has closed. It has been a great seven years and it’s sad to have it come to an end. Thanks to everyone who has visited over the years especially our regular visitors,” a message on the site read.
The site, which has been around since 2012, had built up a dedicated userbase which was unpleasantly surprised by the news. The shutdown triggered a wave of responses, with some calling for a comeback.
While that kind of outreach usually doesn’t change anything, in this case, it motivated the operator to continue. Soon, the ‘goodbye’ message was replaced by a new note announcing a swift and surprising comeback.
And indeed, a few hours ago the site reappeared as if nothing had happened. Intrigued by the turn of events, we reached out MagnetDL’s operator, who was willing to shed some light at what happened.

The initial decision to close the site was deliberate and came after facing a suspension from its former hosting provider.
“There was pressure on the web host from their ISP to suspend my account due to various copyright complaints. The choice was to either close the site or find a new server,” MagnetDL’s admin told us.
“There wasn’t much time to decide and so I began to wonder if it was worth continuing; that’s why it closed,” he adds.
The idea was to shut the magnet search engine down permanently, but after seeing the responses from users, doubt started to set in. Not much later, the initial decision was reversed and the site’s operator set things in motion to relocate to a new host.
“The people spoke and it was clear they wanted it back,” MagnetDL’s operator says. “The site provides a good service especially for those who may not be able to afford the latest movies or subscribe to a bunch of streaming services.”
While this almost sounds like a PR move, the motivation seems sincere. The site’s operator doesn’t plan to make any changes to the site and will just keep things the way they are.
The site is by no means a money magnet, but as long as ads pay the bills, the operator says he’s fine.
“There’s really not much revenue in a site like this but hopefully just enough to pay for the server. It’s still a relatively small site but that’s okay. There are no significant changes planned but focusing on keeping a fast, clean, user-friendly site.”
Needless to say, the users who complained earlier, are pretty happy with this decision.