Paypal Restores Account of BitTorrent Friendly VPN

paypalThree weeks ago Paypal decided to freeze the account of TorGuard, a company that offers VPN and proxy services.

According to a Paypal representative the VPN service violated “some agreements” because of TorGuard’s affiliation with BitTorrent.

Even after the owner explained that his company was just offering a VPN connection, Paypal didn’t change their decision.

However, 48 hours after we made the news public, Paypal has decided that it was all a mistake. TorGuard’s account is restored and thousands of dollars in funds are unfrozen.


Our review is complete and we have restored your account.

We appreciate your patience and thank you for your help in making PayPal
the safest and most trusted online payment solution.



TorGuard is happy to be back with Paypal, even though they had to be outed before taking action.

“I’m amazed at how unprofessionally paypal handled this entire process,” TorGuard’s Jason told TorrentFreak. “Hopefully now we can get down to business as usual!”.

Disclaimer: TorGuard is one of TorrentFreak’s sponsors.


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