Pirate Parties Prepare for the 2009 European Elections

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"There is a far better than average chance that this is becoming the next global political movement, and I'm going to claim it already is the next big political movement." Words to ponder, and strong words for the leader and founder of the Swedish Pirate Party, Rick Falkvinge, to start the off the keynote speech with at the Pirate Party conference Nextstep09.

pirate partiesThe conference is literally the next step in their pan-European electoral assault for the 2009 European Elections. During an inspirational 45 minute keynote speech, Falkvinge called for a union of ideas around the central tenant of avoiding obstacles such as lack of governmental transparency and the right to private communications.

The keynote was followed by a Q&A session, including questions taken from the events IRC channel. An old-fashioned if recently maligned medium, the ability for those not physically present at the conference to interact and participate.

So, what overall was accomplished at this Pirate conference, what difference did it make? First of all, there is now a recognition between its participants that what they plan is not only possible, but within their reach, providing they don’t give up. It gave them a focus and a drive, and a want to succeed as well as a comradery in order to get it done more effectively

Overall the conference seemed run smoothly, according to everyone interviewed. That the event happened at all, let alone the accomplishments of it, speaks volumes for the dedication, and passion these people have for the subject, a fervour that in many cases was only inflamed.

Rick Falkvinge certainly seemed to think so, saying, “one thing I think we achieved is that we met, looked each other in the eyes, and realized that we are a united movement and everywhere – we can do this. It’s gonna be hard work, but we can change the world.”

Look out world, Pirates are sailing your way.

A .torrent file of the talks and the Q&A session is available here.


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