Porn Industry Gloats Over Hollow Win vs BitTorrent

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Earlier this week we reported on how the porn industry planned to wipe out sharing of its content via BitTorrent. Right now the porn industry is gloating over the shutdown of a major porn NZB site. Coincidence? Probably not.

This week we reported on the porn industry’s plans to stamp on internet piracy. A posting on the GFY forums by ‘ServerGenius’ declared the industry’s initial anti-piracy plans to take down an NZB site (a site which makes downloading from Usenet easy). Not any old NZB site but one indexing the latest Usenet porn releases – releases which move from there to BitTorrent.

Their theory is that if you take out part of the source, the torrent sites won’t have any content for others to download.

According to a source, the site was a very important source of latest release porn NZBs: “It’s the biggest Usenet pr0n (porn) posting community. It’s been going for years, everyone into Usenet knows about it.” Indeed, a quick search on for ‘ijsklontje’ reveals a huge amount of porn.

Yesterday, visitors to the forum were greeted with a sad message with suspicious timing:

Hello fellow members of IJsklontje

After 3 years the staff had to decide to stop all activities on this forum.

The busy life of admins and moderators is the main reason.

This forum has been brought to the top by lots and lots of hours by many staffmembers, posters and spotters. It doesn’t deserve to melt bit by bit …… So we stop at our highest level and get on with our real lifes.

We made an example for many other usenet forums, the groups are now filled by many posts from other places than IJs, so there will be no shortage of erotic binaries.

We would like to say thanks to all who made IJsklontje to the world’s most famous erotic usenetforum….

Sorry for this sad thread, we are mentally broken as well… we love you all and may you all live to see the dawn.

We salute all our friends… maybe we will see each other at other places.

Staff IJsklontje

At this stage, it has been impossible for us to verify if this shutdown is in fact the result of some legal pressures from the porn industry but judging the amount of gloating on the GoFuckYourself forums, it’s difficult to see it any other way:

ServerGenius breaks the news:

Hello everybody….as I have posted before Usenet Piracy Forum IJSKLONTJE
the site is now shutdown. This will be a HUGE blow to a lot of other piracy sites on the net as many torrent sites used this place as their main source for content.

He goes on to acknowledge the non-profit nature of the community:

I do know that these guys and their site didn’t generate them a lot of revenue
unlike a lot of other sites……as big and popular as they were they didn’t advertise or took advantage of their traffic in any way that would have made them a lot of money…….which probably made their decision to close shop a lot easier for them take….

and then makes some comments about the BitTorrent sites he believes he’s starved of content by closing ijsklontje:

….however a lot of others sites that feeded from their content do/did make money indirectly of them… them closing still hurt quite a few others than them in their income revenue…….and writing this down….makes me feel a little warm and happy inside

ServerGenius says he has a hit list – the sites ‘youporn’ and ‘megarotic’ are on it apparently.

As one of the forum posts quite rightly points out, closure of this site will not stop the digital flow of erotic pirate binaries. Even if this action does turn out to be the first victory for the porn industry, it will prove very quickly to be a short-lived one as the file-sharing hydra strikes again.

Stay Tuned


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