Swedish Cops Get Crash Course Filesharing

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Apparently, Sweden's crime rate is so low it can afford to allocate national police resources to the MPAA.

Swedish cops who investigate so-called copyright crimes need a crash course in how to improve the way they deal with “illegal file sharing,” say Swedish police and prosecutors, according to The Local.

The country’s National Criminal Investigation Department, “suggests co-ordinating reports of crime, as well as assisting other police agencies in investigating,” says the story.

“Certain prosecutors would get a 10 day class.”

Sweden has been heavily criticised for its involvement in the recent MPAA (Motion Picture Associatin of America) The Pirate Bay take-down fiasco, which can be can be tracked back to a meeting in Washington between the Swedes and the US government, said reports.

Now, “investigations should also be concentrated to those international prosecutors in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö, as well as police with similar capabilities in the same locations, the recommendation said,” The Local states, going on:

“The head of the Pirate Party, a group advocating file sharing in Sweden, said the class period was much too short to learn so much technical information. Investigators are recommending a five-week-long class as part of police training.”

However, the question isn’t how much training Swedish cops need to be able to more effectively look after Hollywood business: it’s whether they should be doing it at all.



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