Two parents have been landed with a copyright infringement bill after they admitted their kids downloaded and shared music without permission.
The pair, snared under New Zealand’s so-called ‘Skynet’ law, accepted that their three young children had infringed copyright on tracks by the Black Keys and Owl City.
The ISP account holder had received two previous warnings about illegal file-sharing but triggering a third when the Owl City track Good Times was shared “by mistake.”
According to Stuff, the Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (Rianz) requested a $1627 (US$1376) compensation.
However, the Copyright Tribunal ordered a penalty of just $317 (US$268) after refusing to award damages for subsequent infringements carried out by other BitTorrent users following the initial uploads.
The case is the sixth to go all the way to the Tribunal and the first in which sharing was blamed on children.