TIOTI Preview: The TV-Torrent Evolution

TIOTI, short for “tape it off the internet”, is about to enter the BETA stage. The first invites will be sent on May 25. We have a preview of some of the TIOTI goodness. Sign up for invites now.

What is TIOTI?

It’s a revolutionary approach to socialize and optimize your TV-torrent experience. TIOTI combines great design, tv-torrent tracking, favorites, recommendations, RSS feeds, tagging, groups, a little AJAX, and a lot more web 2.0-ish stuff.

Do you want to know what TIOTI is all about? Just read the TIOTI interview we did a while ago.

TIOTI will start sending out invites May 25, you can sign up at tioti.com

Let’s take a look at some of the features


Once you’re logged in the frontpage shows your favorites, recommendations, Top 10’s, your friend’s favorites etcetera. At the top of the page you will see a search box. The site’s navigation is pretty intuitive and easy to use.


A quick search for “Lost” returns a list of shows ordered by relevance. You can also search for tags, groups or users.

Show List

In the Show list you can browse through the seasons, check topics or comment or subscribe to several RSS feeds.

Edit Info

Another great option is that you can add and edit the show and episode info. Upload a new image, correct errors, add tags, write a summary etc.


If you browse a season you will see links to the available TV-torrents. You can check or write comments, recommend the show or episode to a friend, grab the RSS feed, check whether you’ve seen the episodes, browse through a list of show fans, etcetera.

Episode View

This is where the torrents are. You can edit, tag and rate the episodes, and get lots of info on the available torrents

Groups & Friends

What would a site like this be without groups and friends? Socialize, share and discover.


Last but not least, your profile. Manage your friends, groups, favorites, messages, and choose a badge.

To conclude

I’ve listed a few of the great features of what could be the next generation BitTorrent experience. TIOTI will start sending out invites soon, get over there if you want the whole package.

Remember, TIOTI is still BETA, things can get even better!


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