But on the other hand, Isohunt and Torrentspy are torrent search engines and DO NOT host any torrents so the MPAA may have a hard time to built a strong case.
Slyck got a chance to talk to the operators of Torrentspy and Isohunt, and they responded quite relaxed:
“Funny, they didn’t email me,” Gary from ISOHunt said. “I’m not too concerned because we deal with copyright requests everyday, some of them from studios MPAA represents.”
“Justin” from TorrentSpy echoed Gary’s skepticism. “I guess I will learn more when I see what they have filed exactly. I’m not sure why they are suing when we comply with DMCA requests but I guess we will learn more down the road.”
Let’s wait and see, here’s a copy of the press release. Besides the 5 torrent sites ed2k-it.com (Edonkey), nzb-zone.com, binnews.com and dvdrs.net (newsgroups) are also targeted.