, Great Domain for a Fresh Torrent Index

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Every month a few dozen new BitTorrent sites are unleashed on the Internet, but only a few have something new to offer. One site that popped up recently is worth mentioning, if only for the fact that it has one of the best domains for a BitTorrent index,

torrentsEvery week new BitTorrent sites appear, hoping to win the hearts and minds of the BitTorrent community. Only a few of these make it past the first year and even less manage to get enough traction to be noticed in the first place.

One new torrent site that launched recently has the potential to become a household name. The domain name is a good start to say the least. Aside from the fancy domain, the operators of the site are familiar names with more than half a decade of experience with running BitTorrent indexers.

The site is a combined project from the people behind two other well known torrent sites, who’ve joined forces aiming to create the ultimate BitTorrent index. Although this is an honorable goal, they still have a lot of work to do to make the site stand out from the competition. pretty much has all the basic features a torrent index should have, including the magnet links which gained a lot of popularity in recent months after The Pirate Bay gave them a much-needed plug. On the frontpage lists today’s and yesterday’s most popular torrents as well as some featured downloads provided by Viewcave.

Ironically, the featured downloads are only available in the United States, UK, Canada and Australia, which is due to licensing issues – dusty reminder of the entertainment industries’ old business models.

TorrentFreak spoke to Eric, one of the lead developers of the new torrent site, to find out what this fuss is all about. “We started because we wanted to give everyone a clean browsing experience. We have minimal ads, no popups or full page ads unlike other torrent sites,” he said.

Eric further said that they will be working hard to make the site stand out from the rest. “We plan to have more content providers featured on the front page. We also have a bunch of new features up our sleeve. One of them is to show subtitles while browsing a video page along with box covers. Another is to have lyrics displayed when viewing a music page.”

“We strive to give everyone the best torrent experience,” Eric added. He’s right there, in the end a fancy domain name doesn’t buy you anything, it is the content and user experience that makes a BitTorrent site a success.


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