Kim Dotcom’s Extradition Judge Sees U.S. as “The Enemy”

uncle samNew Zealand’s District Court Judge David Harvey made some interesting comments recently with regard to U.S. attempts to change copyright law worldwide.

Judge Harvey, who’s handling Kim Dotcom’s extradition case, is not a fan of these practices as became clear at the launch of the “Fair Deal” campaign.

Commenting on the U.S. backed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, which will push for harsher copyright legislation, he said the following.

“There are all sorts of ways this whole thing is being ramped up and if I could use Russell [Brown’s] tweet from earlier on: we have met the enemy and he is [the] U.S.”

Auckland University law professor Bill Hodge told NZHerald that judges should be free to make comments, but that Judge Harvey’s remarks are “unhelpful”.

Whether the U.S. authorities ask for a new judge because of this apparent “bias” has yet to be seen.

Last week Dotcom’s extradition hearing was delayed until March 2013.


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