BitLet Evolves: Create and Upload Torrents Online

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BitLet, the web-based BitTorrent client has received a significant update. A new feature makes it possible to create .torrent files online - ready configured for popular open trackers - and then automatically upload them to Mininova and other sites for maximum exposure.

BitLet: A Cute Web-Based BitTorrent ClientWe reported on BitLet back in July and people were quite excited by this new idea. Although in its early stages, BitLet already looked impressive. A real help to people who want a no-frills but functional BitTorrent experience, BitLet functions within the browser, negating the need for additional software.

The BitLet team promised upgrades were on the way, and after a few short months, the BitLet ‘Upload’ section is now complete. With this addition, BitLet users can not only download torrents but also create them too, all done online within a regular browser. Entering the ‘Upload’ page, the user is asked to enter a tracker of their choice. Bitlet conveniently provides the option to select the urls of four popular open trackers for some seriously easy torrent creation.


Once created, the automation of the torrent creation process doesn’t stop. BitLet Upload gives the option to send the .torrent file immediately to Mininova, which is great for advertising the content the user is about to make available. Automatically sending to other sites will be possible in the future.

This is an important new addition to the online BitLet experience. Offering convenience to those who prefer to use a browser or simply have no choice, BitLet Upload brings BitTorrent distribution another step closer to the complete novice.


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