OiNK.me.uk is Dead, Long Live OiNK.cd

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OiNK.me.uk is no more, the end of a legendary domain name was announced today. Due to "legal" issues with their domain registrar the popular private BitTorrent tracker decided to give up their domain name and move to OiNK.cd.

oink.cd oink oink.me.ukThe DNS issues caused trouble for thousands of users over the past few days. Accessing OiNK was only possible by manually hacking into the hosts file.

Unfortunately the legal issues with the domain registrar (Nominet) seemed to be unsolvable. The dispute was caused by the British law firm Addleshaw Goddard. On behalf of ebook writer Darren Shan they demanded that Nominet took action against OiNK.

“Kind of stupid really, since his crappy ebooks had about 10 snatches total, and this is predominantly a music site”, OiNK said in a response, and they saw no other solution than to switch to a new domain. The domain change was announced on the OiNK website earlier today:

“Because of the recent DNS issues, and the undesirable solution to fix them, we are changing the site’s name from OiNK.me.uk to OiNK.cd. The OiNK.me.uk domain will soon cease to function, and a full changeover will happen shortly.”

The OiNK team also advises its users to re-download all .torrent files. “Torrents downloaded from now on will contain 2 tracker addresses, the new OiNK.cd domain, and the tracker’s IP address, which should make any future DNS issues less serious”, they say.

Members who don’t want to re-download all .torrent files can also use the hosts file workaround, which might be an easier option for people who have 100+ torrents loaded into their BitTorrent client.


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