Top 10 Most Pirated TV Shows on BitTorrent

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TV-shows are some of the most wanted files on BitTorrent, and according to some, it’s becoming the modern day TiVo. But what are all those people downloading?

24Every week we take a look at the most downloaded TV-Shows on BitTorrent. Lost, which had the honor of being the most pirated show of 2008 and was leading the TV-download chart three weeks in a row.

This week, however, Heroes took over the lead. Both Heroes and Lost were downloaded well over a million times, beating the rest of the shows by a landslide.

The data for the most recent TV episodes listed below are collected by TorrentFreak. We use a representative sample of BitTorrent sites and is for informational and educational reference only. The data for the second list based on the total number of downloads (not only recent episodes) of all shows in the past week is provided by ShowInsider.

Top Downloads (Recent Episodes)

February 09 – February 15
ranking (last week) show est. downloads
1 (2) Heroes 1,595,000
2 (1) Lost 1,570,000
3 (4) 24 720,000
4 (…) Desperate Housewives 555,000
5 (6) Battlestar Galactica 515,000
6 (9) The Big Bang Theory 500,000
7 (7) Fringe 490,000
8 (…) Grey’s Anatomy 455,000
9 (…) Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 410,000
10 (…) Dollhouse 375,000

Top Downloads (All Episodes)

February 09 – February 15
Ranking (last week) TV-show
1 (1) Lost
2 (2) Heroes
3 (3) 24
4 (15) Desperate Housewives
5 (14) Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
6 (18) Scrubs
7 (4) House M.D.
8 (23) Battlestar Galactica
9 (11) 90210
10 (13) Grey’s Anatomy


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