Australia Steps Closer To 3-Strikes for Pirates

Last month we reported on a threat made by AFACT to Australian ISP’s – talk to us on a ‘graduated response’, OR ELSE. Since no-one apparently took the offer up, the ‘or else’ has appeared, in the form of the Australian Attorney General.

The Australian has confirmed that Attorney-General Robert McClelland will be holding a meeting with copyright advocacy groups next month and has invited some ISPs to take part. The meeting will reportedly be to negotiate more copyright ‘protection’ laws.

A letter, obtained by The Australian, has stated that the meeting will allow stakeholder (read: Copyright Industry) views to be pitched to the government, as ‘advice’. While ISP’s have been invited, no invitations have apparently been sent to groups looking out for the public interest.

Telstra has already confirmed it’s attending, as will AFACT. Time will tell if the meeting, scheduled for September, will end up with the same whitewash as has characterised the introduction of such laws in other countries.


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