The BitTorrent App Studio was launched by BitTorrent last August and features content from selected content providers and software developers. The idea is to offer these publishers a unique distribution platform and to make it easier for the 100 million strong uTorrent/Mainline userbase to find new content from within their clients.
BitTorrent Inc. has been slowly adding new apps over the past several months and they just rolled out a new one for uTorrent and the Mainline client. The new app features educational videos from the Khan Academy. With the app, BitTorrent users have easy access to over 2,000 award-winning educational videos, covering a wide variety of topics.
“BitTorrent is a great platform to help us fulfill our mission of providing world-class education to anyone, anywhere,” said Salman Khan, founder and executive director at the Khan Academy. “BitTorrent offers a unique opportunity to video creators and publishers.”
“Their technology allows users to download large video files quickly, plus it requires no costly hosting or infrastructure on our end – an important factor for a non-profit,” Khan added.
Khan Academy App
BitTorrent Inc. is equally enthusiastic about their new partnership, which allows them to show off a great ‘legal’ use case to its millions of users. The app is the 19th added to the App Studio, which also includes the Torrent Tweet VLC and uCast apps.
“We’re honored to support the Khan Academy’s vision of bringing knowledge and education to the world,” said Shahi Ghanem, chief strategist at BitTorrent. “The Khan Academy App is a perfect example of why we created our App Studio platform: to help content creators connect with our global user base.”
“In this instance we also enjoy the benefit of empowering a partner to provide tens of millions of people with free access to world-class educational content. This is a truly worthy cause. We look forward to continuing our work with the Khan Academy and other socially conscious content creators as we foster new content distribution models.”
For those who are interested in checking out the videos, the Khan Academy app is now available in the App Studio for both uTorrent and the Mainline client.