Certified Anti-Piracy Coach Helps Piracy Addicts Go Legal

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With only a rapid heart rate, cold sweats, and acute anxiety for company, the cravings of acute piracy addiction leave a stark choice; call a therapist and beg for support, or gorge on pirated movies and TV shows, hurting the creators. A new campaign launched at the Cannes Film Festival aims to cure addicts using a certified anti-piracy coach offering legal content replacement therapy.

The insidious nature of a developing addiction often takes people by surprise, regardless of the substance involved, but especially when it’s freely available, all over the internet.

While an occasional copy-and-paste is known to alleviate boredom, peer pressure at a vulnerable moment can lead to a whole file or even an entire folder being permanently copied to a USB stick.

Most people feel no ill effects but for thrill-seekers, the instant high is over in moments, triggering a vicious cycle of increasingly risky copying and diminishing returns.

A new campaign unveiled at the Cannes Film Festival aims to raise awareness of this addiction and how creators end up suffering the consequences.

“Protecting Creation Against Piracy: Can We Go Further?”

Revealed during an anti-piracy roundtable at the Festival on Saturday, the campaign is the work of two French government agencies – CNC (National Centre for Cinema and the Moving Image) and ARCOM, the new anti-piracy/audiovisual regulator in France.

CNC CEO Olivier Henrard and ARCOM’s Denis Rapone unveiled the campaign with support from Charles Rivkin, Chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association.

Google: United Against Piracycannes-arcom-cnc-twitter

“The ambition of this campaign, with a slightly offbeat tone, is to encourage more and more Internet users to change their habits in favor of practices that respect creation,” ARCOM notes.

“In 2022, 86% of French Internet users aged 15 and over have consumed at least one cultural good online, films, series, video games, music, etc.”

Recovering Piracy Addicts in Therapy

The campaign features a series of spots set to appear on television, cinema, radio and social networks, from June 15, 2023. They reveal the struggles of recovering piracy addicts as they transition from illegal to legal content with the help of Isabelle Champart, a certified anti-piracy coach/therapist.

It appears that with guidance from Isabelle, French piracy addicts will make a full recovery and have no further use for her skills. Here’s a sneak preview of six slots, with general translations from French under each.

TV and cinema spots

CNC and ARCOM film spot (all addicts)

Hector: “It’s been two years since I stopped everything, no relapse!”
Sam: “I loved this little thrill, the feeling of it being forbidden.” Isabelle: “And Now?”
Sam: “Now I’m back in line, coach. One movie or TV series per night, legally.”
Isabelle “You see, there is life after piracy.”

Clementine: “I think about it all the time!” Isabelle: “The key is breathing.” Clementine: “I still want it.” Isabelle: “Ah yes?”
Isabelle: “That’s good.” Hector: “Yes, I’m holding on.” Isabelle: “Bravo!”
Hector: “I’m hanging in there.” Isabelle: “Yes, I understand”
Voiceover: “Thank you to you who support creation by watching your films and TV series legally.”


CNC and ARCOM film spot featuring Hector

Hector: “It’s true, I was hanging out on the internet a bit last week. I came across some cracked codes…but I didn’t crack!” Isabelle: “Bravo!” Hector: “I stood my ground” Isabelle: “I am proud of you.” Hector: “I’m holding on” Isabelle: “This is good.”
Voiceover: “Thank you to you who support creation by watching your films and TV series legally.”

Anti-piracy awareness campaign: CNC and ARCOM film spot featuring Sam

Isabelle: “As soon as you’re on the verge of cracking, you put these mittens on. Try to go pirating wearing these.”
Sam: “It’s well designed! Thanks coach!”
Voiceover: “Thank you to you who support creation by watching your films and TV series legally.”


CNC and ARCOM film spot featuring Clementine

Clementine: “I think about it all the time, I need to…..”
Isabelle: “I need you to relax. The key is breathing, and in the exhalation, we reject the urge.”
Voiceover: “Thank you to you who support creation by watching your films and TV series legally.”

Radio Spots

CNC and ARCOM Radio Spot 1

Isabelle: “Hello, I’m listening!”
Caller: “Hello, I’m about to pirate a movie, I’m going to crack. Help me!”
Voiceover: “We don’t need a coach for everything in life. Thank you to you who support creation by watching your films and TV series legally.”

CNC and ARCOM Radio Spot 2

Isabelle: “Want to put an end to piracy? I am Isabelle Champart, certified anti-piracy coach. My revolutionary method, you will hold all the cards and never need a coach again to stop pirating. Thank you to you who support creation by watching your films and TV series legally.”

Compared With Similar Campaigns, Not Bad At All

Given the reaction (read: mockery) to traditional anti-piracy campaigns, it’s good to see a light-hearted approach executed with sophistication – not a bulldozer. Any campaign that begins with an air of superiority leading to blame, and then hammers that home to ensure everyone gets the message, ends up being part of the problem.

That certainly isn’t the case here.

While piracy itself doesn’t usually amount to an addiction, there’s no question that for some it’s a deeply ingrained habit. Even people who subscribe to legal services but still pirate on occasion report instinctively searching unlicensed resources first. It’s doubtful they need professional help but they may need a little more time.

Image credit: Pixabay/TheDigitalArtist


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