Torrentz is currently indexing 1.719.529 (unique) torrents from Mininova, Torrentspy, Meganova, Fenopy and 12 other BitTorrent sites. A few months ago, after a required hardware upgrade, The Pirate Bay was added to this list which proved to be a significant improvement. Torrentz now definitely has one of the largest .torrent databases on the Internet.
As a result of the increased popularity, Torrentz had to upgrade there hardware to give the hamsters some air. The hardware upgrade turned out great and made the site faster and more reliable that ever before.
Flippy, the administrator of Torrentz told TorrentFreak: “Torrentz indexes almost 5milion pages on 16 distinct torrent sites. We don’t hot link the torrents like Torrentspy), instead we send the visitors to respectable pages. Visitors get to checkout local comments and site admins get the ad revenue they deserve. Since we get almost a million visitors daily everyone seems to be happy”.
Last month Torrentz reached a new milestone when it entered the Alexa 250. This means that they are now listed among the top 250 most visited websites on the Internet. But it probably wont stop there, of all the larger BitTorrent search engines, Torrentz has shown one of the the most stable growth patterns. And the recent server upgrades make sure it can grow even further.
Several improvements and new features have been introduced over the past year such as a comment system, private bookmarks, a cleaner layout, more torrents, and much more. But, probably the best feature of Torrentz is the lack of intrusive, most “corporations running ads are evil” anyway, according to Flippy.
We also asked Flippy if there are any upcoming features that will be included in the near future, and he said “Torrent sites have a big problem with Fake and mislabeled torrents. We will address this issue with a report system, and enhanced user control. It’s a web2.0 trend that will benefit Torrentz greatly. By the users, for the users. 2.0-toys however, eat lots of resources and the new features will have to wait for additional servers I’m afraid.”.
I think there’s a bright future ahead for Torrentz