TorrentFreak was invited to a ‘preview’ screening a couple of months ago, and we think they might achieve their goal!
Steal This Film 1 already was a huge success with nearly 3 million downloads, and we think this will be no different for part 2. The film, again produced by The League of Noble Peers, features some people from the BitTorrent community such as Erik from mininova and Peter (aka Brokep) from The Pirate Bay. Dan Glickman from the MPAA also makes a short appearance stating that they will never be able to stop piracy, but I guess we already knew that.
Jamie King of the League Of Noble Peers was answering chat requests today, so we caught up with him to ask a couple of questions:
TF: You must be excited about releasing the film finally. What’s been the delay?
JK: To be honest, the film simply took a lot longer than we’d imagined to make — it’s a big step forward from STF I for us. And then we got sidetracked with The Oil Of The 21st Century, a conference some of us were involved in organising in Berlin this year. It was great and we got to preview the film there for some friends, but we’re sorry to everyone who was waiting. We’re sure no one has been that upset!
TF: Are you working with anyone to promote the film this time?
JK: Of course we’ll be working with The Pirate Bay again to do a bit of promotion, as we’ve really discussed the project a lot with those guys. We’ve also got to know the people at Mininova who’ll be seeding the torrent and promoting it a bit. I was also really pleased to hear that BitTorrent themselves will be featuring the film since we met them during a screening of STF II in Amsterdam. We’re really up for working with anyone who’d like to feature STEAL THIS FILM so get in touch!
TF: Is there a streaming version anywhere?
JK: We discussed this a lot. There will be a streaming version (and of course we can’t and wouldn’t want to prevent anyone transcoding it and uploading it whereever they like) but right now, it’s about BitTorrent. With The Pirate Bay and Mininova seeding it, there shouldn’t be any problem with the download speeds.
TF: Are you asking for donations?
JK: Yes, but not for this film :D We have a new project in development — based around our ‘Oil Of The 21st Century’ idea — and we’re headed out to Asia in the new year to start investigating. We’re asking anyone who wants to help us with this project to donate $5 or more (or whatever they can afford really) to [email protected]. Oh! And we’re giving away a secret giftpack to anyone who donates $15 or more.
TF: Any final words?
JK: Only that we’re really pleased to be releasing STF II after more than a year and we’re looking forward to all the argument we hope it will generate. And we’d like to say a massive thanks to everyone who supported us so far. You rock.
You can download Steal This Film 2 over here.